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futurehood october 4th greenroof green ps41 greenwich village

Thank you to anybody who came out on Saturday October 4th to support PS41's Greenroof project and our first Futurehood gathering. The day was sunny and the music was wonderful, and after it was finished we had raised a significant portion of the money we need to begin the project next summer. Stay tuned into this website for information on our upcomming events. We will continue to work with the Greenroof project until it is underway!



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care bares on fire greenwich village green environmental new york city futurehood

hungry march band futurehood

An Hour of Smalls Jazz ::

Smalls was created in 1993 by jazz impresario Mitch Borden. Many masters such as Frank Hewitt, Tommy Turrentine, Bubba Brooks, Jimmy Lovelace and Herman Foster made their final homes at Smalls. The list of musicians who played at Smalls includes such luminaries as: Brad Mehldau, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Josh Redman, Brian Blade, Roy Hargrove, Mark Turner, Omer Avital, Jason Linder, Sasha Perry, Grant Stewart, Larry Goldings and Norah Jones among many others.

Chin Chin ::

"Melding the frenetic energy of a P-Funk show with the tuneful cool of Steely Dan, Chin Chin aim to incite audiences into a dancing frenzy with their horn driven electrified grooves. No wonder Def Jux signed them and Fader Magazine, Black Book, and Billboard list them as a band to watch!"

Care Bears On Fire ::

"...inside each of the 12-year-olds beats the heart of a punk veteran." - Bill Picture - San Francisco Chronicle.

"...They rock with impressive skill..." Jem Aswad - New York Magazine.

The Brooklyn band plays noisy punk rock. Although they're young and still in school, the group cites influences that go beyond the average 7th grader's musical taste: the Ramones, the Pretenders, and the Buzzcocks. - NPR

Tiny Masters of Today ::

“This 2:43 minute slice of detached cool comes across like Suicide crashing a Shaggs rehearsal. How can you resist: "You say yes, I say no. You say stop, I say go. You say up, I say down. You say smile, I say frown. Stickin' it to The Man, stickin' it cos I can, stickin it to The Man, every day." Genius.”—David Bowie

The Dig ::

"...building a reputation as one of the best young bands in New York. The songs on their new EP, Good Luck and Games, produced by Bryce Goggin (Pavement, The Ramones) have energy and intelligence matched only by their heartfelt swagger. See them now so you can say you saw them then."

the dig new york city greenwich village green environment futurehood greenroof green public schools

chin chin brooklyn greenwich village futurehood ps41 public school education green environment

tiny masters of today greenwich village green environmental new york city publick schools greenroof futurehood

The Hungry March Band ::

"The Hungry March Band is a 23-piece marching band from Brooklyn, NY. Think once about high school football games, but then think again, because these dudes never set foot on the 50-yard line. This is a crazy, sexy, hip and fun incarnation of the brass band." Originally aired June 26 2004 on Public Radio Weekend.



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sponsored by bobo: coco initiative for environmental change